
Rgb color picker

Privacy policy

Last updated: Oct 20, 2020

Your privacy is very important to us that's why we created this policy describing how your data is being collected when you use our services and how it is used, stored, and shared.

Data we collect

To provide you with the best possible service, we need to collect and process some of your personally identifiable information.

Device identifiers

Device information

IP address

Email address


User identifiers

Cookies, web beacons


How your data is used


If you decide to sign up your personal information is stored and used for authentication when you log in later.


We use data collected to analyze how our app is being used. Based on this data we can improve and optimize our service further to provide a better experience for you and other users.

Error reporting

Some data is collected when an error occurs in the app. We use this data to find and fix issues in our app.


We collect your email address when you contact us using email to respond to your questions and requests.

Ad personalization

If ad personalization is enabled in your preferences your data is used to provide more relevant ads to you.

Service abuse prevention

Your data is also used to monitor service use to prevent abuse and other malicious activities.

Our partners

Data we collect is being shared with and processed by our partners.


Firebase Authentication

Firebase Hosting

Cloud Firestore

Google Analytics

Google Analytics for Firebase

Google Crashlytics

Google AdMob


Ad Providers

Your data might also be shared with other third parties in case of legal obligation.

Your rights

You have a right to request access, erasure, restricting processing, and objection to the processing of your personal information. To execute any of these rights contact us at hello@arcuilo.com.


This policy may change in the future. Whenever it changes, the last updated date at the beginning of this page will be updated.


If you have any questions regarding this policy or if you have concerns about how your data is being used please contact us at hello@arcuilo.com.